Indonesia Office

Jl. Kemang Selatan II No. 2A
Jakarta Selatan 12730

+62 21 7193711
+62 21 71791358


Social Security & Welfare State

Social Security & Welfare State

As an organization dedicated to social justice, FES views the state's role in providing basic needs, including social protection, as essential to a welfare state. More

Young Progressive Academy

Young Progressive Academy

Since 2022 FES Indonesia Office in collaboration with Kemenko PMK is organizing a programme specifically for young Indonesians entitled Young Progressive Academy (YPA). More

Sustainable Economic Development

Sustainable Economic Development

Despite significant advancements in economic and infrastructure development aimed at promoting equitable growth and improving welfare in Indonesia, More

International Cooperation in the Region and beyond

International Cooperation in the Region and beyond

Indonesia´s geographical location between the Indian and Pacific Ocean as well as its role in ASEAN have a significant economic and geostrategic relevance. More

50 Years FES in Indonesia (1968-2018)

50 Years FES in Indonesia (1968-2018)

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Together – 50 Years FES in Indonesia Reception.
